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Apr 29, 2021
Fr. Tomás Walsh Speaking on the Founding of the Scoil Éanna
4/29/2021 In 1908, Pádraig Pearse founded Scoil Éanna, an independent school in Rathmines in Dublin. The school encapsulated Pearse's...

Jul 24, 2020
Dr. Thaddeus Kozinski on Socratic Method as a Mode of Teaching
7/24/2020 Dr. Kozinski is a teacher at both the Angelicum Academy and Divine Mercy University, and author of "Modernity as Apocalypse:...

Jun 12, 2020
Elisabeth Sullivan on Catholic Liberal Arts Education
6/12/2020 As the inaugural speaker in the Mater Dei Academy lecture series, Elisabeth Sullivan of the Institute for Catholic Liberal...

Feb 27, 2020
America Magazine Chimes-in on the Revival of Classical Education
2/27/2020 From America Magazine: "There is a growing conviction among many educators that implementing a classical educational model,...
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