The Foundation is pleased to announce the recipient of its Saints and Scholars Fellowship 2022:

Margaret Killackey holds an MA in the Liberal Arts from St. John’s College, which she earned while teaching at Brookewood School for Girls. Earlier, she did an academic fellowship at the John Jay Institute after she received a BA from Christendom College.
Margaret was homeschooled from third grade through high school in Wayne, New Jersey, along with her three brothers. She describes herself as “7/8th Irish”, so it was natural that she grew up playing Irish music and doing Irish step dance. Philosophy and teaching seem to run in the Killackey family: one brother is a priest, another is a Philosophy PhD candidate, and the third teaches theology in high school.
“As a child, I imagined that one day I’d live in Ireland to learn Irish cooking and acquire an Irish accent,” she told the Foundation. “As an adult, I’m interested in evangelizing work for a country whose heritage has given my life so much meaning. I hope to do my bit by sharing what I have received. This fellowship is like a dream come true for my child self and for my adult self!”
Margaret will teach at Mater Dei Academy on Redemption Road in Farranferris, County Cork.